Long Grain White rice from Vietnam is a popular choice for its delicate flavor and fluffy texture. It is available in various levels of breakage (5%, 15%, 25%, 50%), offering flexibility for different culinary applications, from steaming and stir-frying


– Broken (Basis 3/4) : 5% Max.
– Moisture : 14% Max.
– Foreign matter : 0.1% Max.
– Yellow kernels : 0.5% Max.
– Damaged kernels : 0.75% Max.
– Red & red streaked kernels : 1.5% Max.
– Chalky kernels (Basis 3/4) : 5.0% Max.
– Paddy (grains/kg) : 15 Max.
– Average length : 6.2 mm Min.
– Glutinous kernels : 1.5% Max.

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